DMin Coaching Services
Get Support, Accountability and Encouragement Once You Leave Campus
It's hard to stay on track with your DMin studies once you get off campus and back to the real world -- work, ministry, family, etc. Without maintaining a consistent reading and writing schedule while off campus, DMin students often find themselves stressed out & falling behind when completing their assignments for the next class.
Many also find that they lose focus in their research and experience writer's block. Others, simply need a safe space to ask questions regarding difficult theological concepts and methods of biblical exegesis.
Our DMin Coaching Services Are Designed To Help You:
Work Smarter through the DMin Process
Maximize Your Investment of Time & Resources
Keep Your Life & Ministry In Balance
Rev. Felicia LaBoy
Ph.D., MBA, MDiv., ACC
"The DMin Coach"
Founder and Lead Coach, The Orchestrated Effect
Former Assoc. Dean, DMin program Louisville Seminary
Faculty, DMin program, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed In Your DMin Program?
As a former Associate Dean for DMin Programs and Bi-Vocational Doctoral Student,
I understand & I can help.
Dr. Felicia LaBoy is the Lead Coach and Founder of The Orchestrated Effect, LLC, a coaching and consulting company that helps individuals, organizations, churches and communities move from being “good” to “great;” and from being “stuck” to being “unstuck.”
​When Felicia was a doctoral student, she juggled being a bi-vocational pastor, a new wife and a caretaker for her dad. She knows what it is like to be aware that you need help, but don’t know exactly what is keeping you from excelling in school, ministry, and life. She learned the hard way that when school, family, and ministry are out of harmony, you may finish your degrees, but the investment of time and money is not maximized. She learned too that working this way often causes our health, relationships, and ministry to be compromised.
In addition to her own experience, as a professor and Associate Dean for DMin programs, Felicia watched how often promising students with exciting and potentially world-changing projects would quit because they felt as if they "just couldn't complete" the writing portion. Furthermore, she became growingly concerned that students who lagged behind and didn't finish their DMin projects were worse off for having started them because they now carried the burden of additional student loans.
Putting her academic, business, pastoral and coaching background to work, Felicia created DMin Coaching Services© program using the process she used to help dozens of DMin and doctoral students:
Discern the right program;
Leverage passion and real-world work/ministry experience with academic study; and
Graduate successfully while balancing ministry, work and family
Knowing that busy DMin students need a system of regular support and accountability, structure, shortcuts, and lifehack tools to keep them on track, Felicia uses Zoom Group Conferencing and FB Private Groups to increase the chance for student success. Her structured approach is designed to benefit both students and the people they love and serve.
Dr. LaBoy believes in you and your higher purpose! By working with her to complete your DMin you experience the journey in a way that minimizes the stress, overwhelm and drains you so that you can be the community leader you are meant to be!